A self-extinguishing candle typically indicates your intention or spell has been resolved or decided. Your candle will sometimes self-extinguish if the outcome has already happened before the candle is completely burned out. Candle flame readings serve as a tool for self-discovery, decision-making, personal growth, and spiritual guidance. It can help each of us understand different perspectives and gain a deeper understanding of ourselves. If the candle wax cascades down the candle in a flow that overlaps like a step-down or waterfall appearance, you can read the wax as an indicator of change. If you’d like to learn more about spirituality, check out our in-depth interview with Jennifer McVey, Cht.
What does my candle wax mean?
- Finally, never leave a candle burning in your home unattended.
- If the soot runs to the bottom of the jar, then there may be certain forces working against your intention.
- This book includes instructions for many different candle magick spells to help you manifest more happiness, love, prosperity, and fulfillment.
- However, to you, it may mean heartbreak or a physical heart (maybe suggesting a possible medical condition).
- A clockwise candle wax flow is a sign that you’re attracting positive forces with your spell.
White is also a good color for promoting peace and tranquillity. Linked to the meaning of blue candles, light blue candles zero in on understanding the truth and accepting it, as well as helping with clarity candle readings and meanings and communication. There are traditional standard meanings for most candle flame behaviors. You can use these to interpret if your intent for lighting the candle has been successful. There are two different types of fast-burning candles.
How do you read a candlestick analysis?
- Open – the first trade during the period specified by the candle.
- High – the highest traded price.
- Low – the lowest traded price.
- Close – the last trade during the period specified by the candle.
Grove and Grotto state that a low flame doesn’t have the energy to fulfill a spell. If a low flame is steady, you’re being reminded to be diligent and expect a good result. If it gradually begins to grow taller and stronger, the energy to bring your spell to fruition has been released.
A Steady Flame Is a Good Sign
Those who light a red candle are tapping into Scorpio energy. They seek love, respect, power magnetism and survival. Yet candle reading is a practice that can also be very formal and methodical. Keep a specific question in mind and look for the answers during the candle burn. These might come in the form of a sudden flare, a tenacious wax spike, a steady dripping or the formation of a dramatic wax river or pool.
Capromancy Signs (Soot and Smoke Meanings)
A true purple, unlike indigo, is going to be ideal for accessing the dreamworld, and specifically, vivid dreams. «If you’re looking to explore dreams, or even access a cleansing frequency, violet is great,» AlMuhaiteeb tells mbg. This is also another good one for accessing intuition. Yellow, as you might have imagined, is very stimulating. AlMuhaiteeb explains that for this reason, it’s excellent for calling in focus, as well as doing inner child work and embracing your imperfections.
Read the wax when you’re done for insight into your spellwork. This result shows that a great force of energy has lent itself to your divination reading, or that a powerful surge of raw emotion has dedicated itself to your spellwork. A steady, bright flame is a surefire sign of success or good luck! If you burned this candle during spellwork, your endeavor is lucrative.
- There are two different ways to do a Candle wax reading in water.
- You can use these to interpret if your intent for lighting the candle has been successful.
- Grove and Grotto state when a flame burns red or yellow that mundane energy, not spiritual, is fueling the burn and can also be powerful.
- They’re believed to be messengers, conveying spiritual messages.
- Give yourself time and space to begin your ritual.
Close out the ritual/spell
Light blue candles radiate Aquarian energy (calm waters) and are ideal for pursuing inspirational meditations. Those who light a blue candle are seeking truth, harmony and guidance while amplifying their creativity and perception. The white candle represents the highest level of consciousness. Burning a white candle in conjointment with a meditative state is to seek protection, healing and purification.
If, for instance, it’s only on the West side, then I wonder if I’m bringing an emotional block to the situation or, if the candle if connected to someone else, they are. This means that there is a lot of energy around your spell. Pay attention to other signs to see if this energy is moving in your direction.
Each has a specific meaning that can help you to assess the success of your spellwork. In Coventry Magic with Candles, Oils, and Herbs, author Jacki Smith discusses candles that burn with more than one flame. Aside from the natural physical causes, Smith says that the traditional interpretation of two flames burning from one wick involves two energies or energy that is cut in half.
Remember to trust your intuition when interpreting symbols in a candle flame. Dual flames typically represent two different energies, implying a difference of opinion and the delicate balance of opposing forces. If you’ve been feeling conflicted, your intention or spell may have multiple perspectives or angles.
This meaning can be traced back through the ages to when prosperity meant a bountiful harvest. Light a green candle when you want to mediate and reflect on nature, growth, healing and the good luck that makes finding employment or business success possible. White soot represents spiritual communication, although it is very rare. Interpreting the way a candle burns can lead to insights and deep truths galore. Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all reading, and many people get upset when they see conflicting meanings online.
What do the 7 candles mean?
According to Clement of Alexandria and Philo Judaeus, the seven lamps of the golden menorah represented the seven classical planets in this order: the Moon, Mercury, Venus, the Sun, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. It is also said to symbolize the burning bush as seen by Moses on Mount Horeb.